Between Voip and Funbike

Tomorrow morning I wan to join funbike held by one of the famous newspaper in my country. Funbike was started at six in the morning, and now at 1:41 in the morning. I am confused want to sleep or wait until morning. But it seems that I will read about just voip. I want to make a voip server and just have fun this morning. My eyes want to sleep but I wanted to read. Two things are very much against it. Moreover my essay completely untouched.

Let alone other tasks, all is still zero. But let it go, I just want to enjoy life. I'm trying to learn English language, but for now I just typed in google translate and translate it into English language.

thanks: D

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2 komentar:

Anonim at: 20 Desember 2010 pukul 21.21 mengatakan...


{ eko } at: 26 Januari 2011 pukul 07.08 mengatakan...

siang... :)

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