This tips is about how to manage your wish. Many people have wish and with 1000% those spirit will trying to get it. Usually the first is you will listing your wish in paper and stick on the wall. Every one trying to meet the target of their wish list.
But you will seen arrogant when you buy some luxury item like gadget and other that actually you do not really need it. For example, you want an iphone, a CRV car and an expensive gaming mouse. After few month you have enough money to buy an iphone and gaming mouse. Do you spend your savings to buy an iphone and a gaming mouse directly?
Previously I will tell my principles from my parent. And after I thinking this principles is true. Try to think, do you really need this stuff or not? before you buy it. Moreover if you buy it, your savings will be exhausted. This is accordance with my religion theory that any excess is not good.
Probably some of you are not agree with my principles. However this is me, I am more happy with low profile life style. How do you can fulfill all your desires that written in paper but seen not to be an arrogant?
First, same with the common way, you should write all of your wish on the paper and attach it on the your room wall. It aims to remind you where is your direction every time. So you do not forget and keep focus. After that save your money in bank, if you feel your money is enough to buy some of the item scratch your wish list one by one. If you do not need the item at this time, don't rush to spend your savings.
So you will have mindset that you have the item or your wish has been fulfilled. If you have need the stuff then spend part of your savings to buy it. You do not looks arrogant in front of your friend but you have done your wish list. :D
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